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Email News is an Air Force Best Practice, because it’s a customer opt-in / opt-out free email subscription service. You only get what you sign up for.

With a list of almost 20 different things to get news about, it’s a perfect way to stay informed.

  • To find out what’s coming up in the next next week, check the box for What’s Happening This Week. It goes out every Sunday at 7 a.m.
  • When Outdoor Recreation has some cool trips or programs, you’ll know it if you check the box for Outdoor Rec Adventure News.
  • When ITT has a drawing for FREE tickets to a special event at the Broadmoor World Arena or the Pikes Peak Center, you’ll be the first to know if you check the Tickets and Local Trips box.

You get the idea.

You can always change your preferences and, when you leave the Colorado Springs area, you just opt out. It’s that easy.

Note:  Sign up with your personal email address.  Do NOT use a .mil email address, because it will get blocked by the base’s spam filter and you will NOT receive your Email News. 

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Sign up for 21FSS Email News!

Get news from 21FSS in your inbox. Do NOT use a .mil address; it will get blocked by the base’s spam filter and you will NOT your Email News. Please sign up with your personal email address.

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